Sir Issac Newton({O.S}25/12/1642 -20/03/1726)
The scientific revolution was made by the most influential and prominent scientist. His book of natural philosophy get a view of classical mechanics. He was a great mathematician and made many contribution in the field of Physics and Mathematics . The contribution consists:
- Foundation of classical mechanics
- Infinitesemial calculus
- Optics
- Laws Of motion
- Universal Gravitation
- Theory of relativity
- Kepler's law of Plantery motion
- Trajectories of comets
- Heliocentricity
- Precession of equinoxes
Some more contribution by calculations:
- Reflecting telescope(prism)
- Empirical law of cooling
- Speed of sound
- Newtonian fluid
- Binomial theorem
Newton's Own Copy
Principia book in the Wren Library at Trinity College, Cambridge
Portrait by Godfrey Kneller
Issac Newton in Old age in 1712
- Philosophaie Naturalis Principia Mathematica
- Arithmetica Universalis
- The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended
- Opticks
- Method of Fluxions
- The Queries
Documentary Of Sir Issac Newton
More About Sir Issac Newton
For more information about Sir Issac Newton, like his
- Early life
- Career
- Monuments
- Awards
- Books
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